C.L. Thomas grew up in Southern New England in the 70’s playing outside every chance he could, and one of his favorites games was playing cops and robbers. Little did he know that as an adult, in the United Sates Army, and later for the City of Houston, he would get to play cops and robbers for real. On several occasions he would come home from work and tell his wife, “I would have done this for free.” For eight years, C.L. Thomas was a member of a tactical unit in one of the worst parts of the city. Working alongside five highly trained and dedicated officers, C.L. Thomas put his life on the line every day for the citizens of Houston. C.L. Thomas has been writing stories since he was a sophomore in high school growing up in East Hartford, Connecticut. He brings his gritty work world reality to the pages of The Hollow, painting a picture of the world that very few people ever get to see.
A summary of the Bruce Westman series
The Bruce Westman series follows a former Iraqi War veteran suffering from PTSD turned private investigator. Bruce Westman is a flawed character pledged with guilt over the person he is and the things that he has done. Bruce was raised in a very tight Irish/Italian Catholic family and with all the guilt associated with that upbringing. In addition to his background, Bruce is also an in the closet homosexual who hides this side of his life from his family and parish priest, only engaging in alcohol fueled one-night stands with strangers instead of trying to have relationships.
While on patrol in Iraq, Bruce was caught up in a roadside explosion that left him with a traumatic brain injury. This explosion turned his life upside down, leaving him an acquired savant. In essence, to heal, his brain reabsorbed the destroyed neurotransmitters in his head, allowing his savant skills to emerge. Bruce describes this skill as drifting because that is how it feels when he is forced to witness the world through the eyes of a killer or his victims.
The Hollow, which takes place in Central Connecticut, follows Bruce and his brother Jeffery as they chase a serial killer dumping the bodies of young girls.
Learn more here: authorclthomas.com