Deidre Sequeira is the author of the YA Fantasy series, The Isla Emerged Trilogy. She is a resident of San Antonio, TX, where she teaches Reading and Writing by day and spins her stories by night. She enjoys reading, karaoke, and having a late-night coffee or Moscato with the matriarchs of her family. Sequeira has her B.A. in English with a Concentration in Teaching Certification and is a great proponent of education, especially of the arts and humanities.
Sequeira began taking writing seriously when she was in the 8th grade, while enrolled in a creative writing class in school. It changed everything for her. Suddenly, she realized that she could contribute to the world of books that she was already so in love with, and the dream of getting her stories into that world took hold.
Thus far, working to fulfill her dream of being a published author has been an amazing journey, and she can’t wait to see where it leads next.